Friday, May 20, 2016

Role Cosplay wigs

Today i posted a review on my youtube as a review on rolecosplay wigs. Well I accidentally deleted a clip! I feel like i left so much out when i hit delete on a 30 second clip. So i decided i should write about Role Cosplay.

I received the 80 CM straight rainbow wig ( ) and fell in love with it. The hair was so soft i almost felt like i was dreaming. I even did an idiotic thing and wore the wig to play basketball! Well i assumed that the wig would act like my others, completely drench my head in sweat and fall off. It didn't . the wig stayed on the whole four hours and didn't make me sweat any more than normal.

One thing I didn't count on was losing my wig head. So like a complete newbie i just left my wig on the desk over night. and by left on the desk i mean just tossed it on there and forgot about it to morning when i realized it fell on the floor. No worries though. I just quickly made a makeshift stand from cardboard and combed it out. To my surprise it immediately went right back to the long straight beautiful rainbow it was when i opened it. I've never had a long wig that has done this before. Normally when my wigs get tangled up i have to wash them, then comb then ( After it dried of course!)  Even after all the sweat that should be stored in the wig , it does not need washed yet. I'll make another post about the wig after its first wash to share with everyone. 

I'm going to go over a few more quick factors, such as shipping, communication, packaging, and just the overall quality.

Normally items from overseas take around 2-3 weeks for me. Once Rolecosplay gave me a tracking number it seemed like the package was here in a mere few days. ( 9 to be exact.).

When the wig arrived it was a plastic bag that was waiting on my porch. Inside that plastic bag was another plastic bag that contained the wig. The wig had cardboard around it and paper inside the wig to keep it from going flat and losing its shape.

I love this wig, it's super soft and thick . The color is amazing to me. I would definitely suggest ordering from them.

I have been talking to Role cosplay a few days before they decided to send me a wig to review. They responded to every email i sent in a timely manner and with a detailed response to the questions i asked.

Role cosplay has three different websites, i will link them all below if anyone wants to check them out! I will also link the wig i received for free to review.


Wig Supplier :

Role Cosplay :

Strawberry out. Peace! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Going places

I've been emailing companies lately, trying to get them to sponsor a review for my instagram ( ) and i think i finally got a yes! I's so excited to model the wigs for my followers. Its unbelievable. Just last december i had 3 followers, now i have over 5,200.

I've grown so much in a few short months. Not only just on instagram. But personally i have grown. I'm bettering myself. I'm studying abroad to enrich my cultural option and even making international friends.

Well, goodnight world.
Strawberry out.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The News

Today was the day. The day i've been waiting for since December. I got the email about my host family. My Japanese Host family.... This hasn't felt real until now. I knew i was going, even through all the complication i've had, but it didn't sink in until now.

  I found out that i have a host mom, dad, and three younger sisters. They're pretty close to my real siblings ages. Except the older one, she's 17 like I am. I can't wait to talk to them. I'm emailing them right after i publish this. 

Wish me luck!
Strawberry out. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Getting my passport

Do you know how frustrating it is to apply for a passport? I have really bad social anxiety and fear almost all social interactions with people. Well today was my appointment to get that glorious book that lets me go to japan. Well the lady who told me what to bring completely forgot to mention that since my mother died, and my grandmother is taking care of me, we need to bring court papers saying that she has custody of me. They sent us away and told us to come back in an hour because the lady forgot to tell grandma that we needed court papers. I'm 17, i didn't think we needed anything from my legal guardian. She even told us to just bring : My Id, The application, my Birth-certificate, and cash.

So we had to come all the way back home, dig through boxes we haven't gotten into in over 2 years, then drive all the way back to the airport post office. I have never put so much work into getting something that allows me to go see another human being before.

Little rant over, Peace!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Welcome to the Life of StrawBerry

Hi and welcome to the life of strawberry. To start off I might as well tell you some basic things about me. I'm 17, an American high school student, obsessed with horror movies, had a shitty childhood, and a total nerd. Not just any nerd either, i'm a weaboo.... JUST KIDDING! I am not a weaboo, but i am a huge fan of Manga, anime , and Japanese culture. I have a huge problem where I embarrass my friends when i go full on fan girl ( it happens a lot. ) . So never take me to a con or we may have a problem. I love conventions. They're just amazing.

Well, anyway, that just a little about me for my first ever blog post. Hopefully the next post will be way more entertaining than this one.

PEACE! Strawberry out.

( I acknowledge i'm weird. please dont judge me. LOL! )